Sunday, September 28, 2008

fall out boy's "I DON'T CARE"

click the link above to enjoy the video.
this song and video is so cool.
capoeira on street, exhibitionists, that cool dancing mime, ice cream thief, pete wentz gone mime, perverts, jack ass wanna-bes, pete and patrick as shop-lifting nuns, sarah palin?
you gotta be kidding me, this video is so jam-packed with fun.
i admit, this is the weirdest video i've ever seen but i like it (especially that cool dancing mime)
"I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery"
this song is really cool and i really like it's video. this is way too cool.
one is bothering though,theyr'e always promoting cell phone units in their videos. (doncha think?)
i like the song - far better than their "BEAT IT" cover.
rating: 4 stars.

david cook's "LIGHT ON"

i am so digging this single and i can't wait for Cook's album.
i kinda remember "chris daughtry in the making" in this song.
the song is great and i do love it.
I am a fan of Davids (Cook and Archuleta fans, collide)
I don't see why people still make it out to be David Cook vs. David Archuleta.
The only relation they have is the fact that they were both on American Idol.
Let them go their own separate paths in which they'll both be incredible.
FYI: Just because you like one David doesn't mean you have to hate the other.
My goodness!
I do like Archie too and i rooted for the both of them in AI.
I don't wanna compare them because they're both great (considering that archie sings gay songs, no pun intended)
Anyways, ROCK ON COOK!
rating: 5 stars.