Friday, October 10, 2008

taylor swift's "LOVE STORY"


the only country singer i listen is taylor swift because:

  • she has this ubiquitous angelic face you would fall for,

  • she doesn't stick to the genre that much(she makes it a bit POP-ish), and last

  • she has this chaisma no one could question.

actually, i am not really a taylor swift fan, it's my cousin who is a fan.

i was influenced when i heard her songs such as teardrops on my guitar and our song.

this song takes us to a higher level as she sings about romeo and juliet's tragic love story.

(geez, there are countless artists who made a song which includes romeo and juliet in their lyrics, is that the fad nowadays?)

i like the song, i love the singer and i love the lyrics.



i was surprised when i found out that taylor swift and joe jonas dated before.

such a small world, doncha think?

rating: 4 stars.

the script's "THE MAN WHO CAN'T BE MOVE"

click the link above to enjoy the video.


the song's a bit boring for the first few lines but as you finish it, you'll love it and you'll play it over and over again.

i heard it for a few times and i learned to like it though it's a bit full of drama.

it's not that great but it's not that bad either.

the video is not that interesting too, but let us consider.

the song has a good meaning, period.

rating: 3 stars.