Sunday, November 9, 2008

michael johns in pinas? unfair.

november 9, 2008

dear blogspot,


kainggit naman.

i'm one hell of a fan. i'm a true-blue michael johns fan.

why is fate so cruel to me?

first, boys like girls then now michael johns? that is plainly unfair.

i'm really a fan back when ai 7 was still airing.

i am originally rooting for amanda overmyer or michael johns or carly smithson or david cook to be the next american idol.

but then, ai is a popularity show, so amanda, michael and carly gave way to david cook and david archuleta.

aw. sana di matuloy yan.


catch him -if you can. hehehe.

malamang sa glorietta, gateway,trinoma saka sa ayala yan.


pierced as always,


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